
Meet CB Long, our new Varsity Girls Basketball Head Coach!
Meet CB Long, our new Varsity Girls Basketball Head Coach!
Updated on 09/03/2024

It is a great please to introduce CB Long as our next varsity girls basketball coach. CB’s coaching career includes Great Lakes Christian College as the Women's Basketball Head Coach, Women's Basketball Head Coach at Grace Christian University as well as high school experience at Grand Haven High School as the JV Boys Basketball Head Coach.  

CB’s honors as a coach include being named twice as the NCCAA Mideast Region Coach of the Year (2018-2019, 2019-2020) and earning the NCCAA Mideast Regional Championship in (2019-2020). CB played at Lakewood High School in Lake Odessa, MI from 1984-1988. He went on to play college basketball at Hope College from 1989-1990.

CB is married to Kristin, and they have three children, Jason, Maggie, and Molly. They also have a granddaughter, Saddie Mae. All three of CB and Kristin's children have played basketball at the collegiate level. 

From Coach CB:
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to coach at GRC!  We are going to meet asap with the players and parents and then the fellow staff members as well as the great Eagle fans.  I look forward to building the skills, character and faith of the Girls Basketball Program from top to bottom. Building them as individuals, to become a part of something bigger than themselves.  I can’t wait to get started! Go Eagles!!!"

Coach Long's favorite verse:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  James 1:2-4

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