
Celebrating Our Boys Golf Seniors!!

Posted on 06/06/2024


Parent Names: Greg and Kate Clark

Favorite Golf Memories: Playing together as a team at the Loop

Plans for next year: Calvin University, studying Psychology and playing golf

Who I’d like to thank: Ian Hughes my swing coach, Mom and Dad for always being there for me. All my second semester teachers who put up with me being gone half the time. All coaches who have helped me grow and prepare me to be a good husband, father, brother and son.
Favorite Bible Verse: James 1:19-20 “This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of men does not achieve the righteousness of God”



Parent Names: Madeline Harter and Lance Erickson

Favorite Golf Memories: Senior trip to traverse city or the trip to the loop.

Plans for next year: Calvin University (golf and business)

Who I’d like to thank: my family and coaches
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”



Parent Names: Crista and Joe Evenhouse

Favorite Golf Memories: going on the all senior trip to traverse and being able to play in the event, and going to forest dunes and playing knockout at the par 3 course, and watching Dylan and sawyer run into the freezing cold lake.

Plans for next year: finance at Grand valley state university

Who I’d like to thank: My parents and all the grc golf coaches for supporting me and my teammates for all the memories we made
Favorite Bible Verse:  Psalm 119:105 ”Your word is a lamp on my feet, a light on my path”



Parent Names: Brigit and Paul O’Grady

Favorite Golf Memories: When Dylan hit a bogey putt on no. 17 at states and I knew we were going to win. When I won conference and got to celebrate it with my team. Going to Forest Dunes and playing knockout at the par 3 course.

Plans for next year: Golf and Finance at Spring Arbor University 

Who I’d like to thank: Coach Broene, Coach Charley Vandenberg, Mom, Dad, all these people invested their time and money into me to make me a better man and golfer.

Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 because it speaks to self discipline which I have struggled to improve my entire life



Parent Names: Mike and Rene Sherman 

Favorite Golf Memories: Junior year state finals

Plans for next year: Calvin college (golf)

Who I’d like to thank: My parents, my swing coach Clark Klaasen, and all the GRC golf coaches
Favorite Bible Verse: “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” — Psalm 9:9.



Parent Names: Glenn and Kate VanOtteren

Favorite Golf Memories: Forest Dunes weekend and junior year states 

Plans for next year: Butler University (Business)

Who I’d like to thank: My family, friends, Clark Klaasen, and all GRC golf coaches
Favorite Bible Verse : Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”



Parent Names: John and Becky Workman

Favorite Golf Memories: hitting that 5ft birdie putt on my last hole at states to secure the win

Plans for next year: Butler University and playing golf

Who I’d like to thank: All the players who have been with me along this journey and the coaches who walked alongside us.
Favorite Bible Verse (Philippians 4:6) “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.”


From Coach Broene~

This senior group is one of the deepest and most skilled groups of senior golfers our state has seen in a long time if not ever. I'm not huge on results. I’m big on doing your process well and if you do, good results will happen more often.

These guys learned to understand that. Because of it their results are impressive. In just this group, 6 different seniors won at least one tournament individually. Before the final event of this season, this group has been part of more than 26 wins this year alone. In their four year career they have a total of 54 tournament victories (1 2021, 7 in 2022, 20 in 2023, and 26 in 2024 so far). That includes 3 conference titles, 3 regional titles, and one state title (trying to earn another this weekend).

Individually, they have earned 3 individual all-state players and 3 honorable mention All-State players (so far) in their careers. 5 of these seniors have decided and committed to play golf at the college level next year. 

The climb to where they are now does not come because they are older. They are mature, but they are also hard working, high class, intense, Christian competitors who wanted to be coached with the expectations we would put on a college level golf team at the high school level.

They always wanted more and embodied the famous Jerry Rice quote, “today we will do what other will not, so tomorrow we can accomplish what others cannot.” They have paved the way for what it means to be successful in a high school golf program for everyone else to see.

I am honored and proud to have spent my first four years of Boys Varsity Golf Coaching with these incredible young men. I will never forget them, and I am forever proud of them, and forever here for anything they need.

Seniors, you have earned everything you have received, and our Eagle community should be proud of you. Continue to work so you can leave as permanent a mark on the world, just as you have left a mark on GRCHS golf and on MHSAA golf. 


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