Go Eagles!

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Grand Rapids Christian High School Alumni GO EAGLES !

Hall of Fame Bio.

Boogaart, Peter (2014)

Peter began his teaching career at Grand Rapids Christian High in 1949 after graduating from Calvin College. Pete became the school’s athletic director in 1958 and served through 1983.

Pete hired many Eagles Hall of Fame coaches and added more sports during his tenure than any of the previous or subsequent athletic directors. He added to the girls’ sports offering cross country, swim, softball, gymnastics, volleyball and tennis. He also added to boys sports with cross country, swim, wrestling, soccer, golf, football, hockey, and tennis. Football was a significant challenge to get started as he had to convince the community of its value.

Principal Jim Stapert gave a speech at Pete’s retirement party which said it best. “Mr. Boogaart is first and foremost a Christian gentleman and outstanding representative of Grand Rapids Christian High. He reflects and promotes the best values of this school and community. Those of us who have watched him closely over the years have been repeatedly amazed at his energy, his total commitment and his enormous capacity for work. Mr. Boogaart is our friend in the deepest and most profound sense of the word.”

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word  has no place in our lives.”  – 1 John 1: 9-10
