Go Eagles!

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Grand Rapids Christian High School Alumni GO EAGLES !

Hall of Fame Bio.

Klaasen, Larry (2014)

Larry is a graduate of Holland Christian in 1965, and began his teaching career in 1969 at GRCHS after graduating from Calvin College.

Coach Klaasen began his coaching career as a JV football coach and then moved on to become one of the most accomplished soccer coaches in West Michigan. As the boys varsity soccer coach, he added the freshman program, earned 22 league titles (1 west shore, 20 city league, 1 OK White), 14 district titles, 5 regional titles, 4 semi-final appearances and state championship wins in 1998 and 2001. Over his 33 year tenure for boys soccer, his teams were 506-152-22.

Coach Klaasen started the girls soccer program in 1989 and never lost a city league game with 12 city league titles, 7 district titles, 1 regional title, and 1 semi-final appearance for a 22 year record of 305-128-24.

Larry Klaasen is a wonderful example of how to be a tremendous teacher and coach and has been a blessing to all of the student athletes he has come into contact with over the years.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  –  Micah 6:8
