Go Eagles!

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Multiple Opponents

1 year ago @ 8:11AM
Game Date
Dec 21, 2022

The Eagles wrestled 3 times Wednesday evening. They started off against Keloggsville and won 5 of the 8 matches that were wrestled but fell short in team score 27-39 due to several forfeits.  Luke Selfe's last second takedown on the edge of the mat to win the heavyweight match 4-2 was the highlight of the dual.  The Eagles struggled against Unity Christian only winning 2 of the 5 matches that were wrestled and losing the team score 30-51.  The highlight of that dual was Josh Kennedy's 6 takedowns.  In the final dual of the night the Eagles lost to Northview 36-37 on tiebreaker criteria f (least number of forfeits).  The Eagles won 6 of 7 matches that were wrestled.  Harry Hilt's 8 second pin was the highlight of the dual.  
