Grand Rapids Christian High School wrestling team Grand Rapids Christian High School wrestling team Grand Rapids Christian High School wrestling team Grand Rapids Christian High School wrestling team

Go Eagles!

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling Travels to St Ignace

3.0 months ago @ 8:23AM
Game Date
Dec 7, 2024

The Eagle Wrestlers traveled to snow covered St Ignace this past weekend and placed 7th out of 11 teams.  All the wrestlers did extremely well.  Senior Will Owens first place finish led the team.  Sophomore Caleb Pugh placed second, Sophomore Jayden Wierenga placed third and Senior Shan Rumbarose placed fourth.  Jayden Wierenga led the team in takedowns with 16 takedowns total in five matches.  Will Owens led the team with nearfalls with four total in three matches.  Shan Rumbarose's 28 second pin was the fastest for the day for the Eagles.  The wrestlers travel to Forest Hills Central on Wednesday to wrestle FHC and Kelloggsville.